Weather and Climate

Subtropical – hot & humid

Lanyu is located in the range of the subtropical monsoon climate, with wet, humid summers and short, relatively mild winters. It’s mainly affected by the southwest monsoon that starts in May and ends in late September.

Lanyu's southwestern coastal strip
Lanyu’s southwestern coastal strip

The later part of this monsoon season is associated with typhoons that batter the island with an average of two to three

direct hits a year. But also the so called “plum rain” season can bring two months of rain any time between early spring and early summer. The average monthly temperature ranges from 20.4°C in February to 28.6 °C in July. The average relative humidity is 88.9 %. (Source: Wikipedia)


The Meteorological Observatory

It is located on one of Lanyu’s mountain tops at a height of 323.999 m. It had been constructed during the Japanese colonial era in order to observe the movements of typhoons in the Pacific Ocean. During the Second World War, it has been severely damaged by the US Army. Being renovated after the war, most sections are restored from the original Japanese model.

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